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Himachali Jhol Recipe In Detail

Himachali Jhol Recipe
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What is Himachali Jhol?

Himachali Jhol Recipe: Himachali Jhol is a traditional Himachal beverage known for its amazing taste in Himachal Pradesh. This traditional dish is made primarily in Mandi and Kullu districts of Himachal. It is made every day in the household, folks drink it as a part of their meal. Jhol is a swift and simple way that couples well with Rice, Corn, Kodara ka Atta (Kudo Millet) and buttermilk.

This drink is also served to guests and weddings as well. Without Jhol a mealtime wouldn’t be complete according to the locals. It is not only delicious but also stops cold and flu in the winter. It has the ability to boost the immunity of the body indeed.

History of Jhol

The history of Jhol is very long. The locals love this drink and consume it in their all meals. Locals have taken Jhol to their Farms during cultivation as a meal since long. It was the primary drink in the ancient time when guests came to the house. Jhol is filled with great nutrient value including Carbohydrates, Calcium, Fat, Vitamin, etc.

Himachali Jhol Recipe: How to prepare Himachali Jhol?

Blend well the buttermilk to ensure that there should be no lumps. If you are using curd, then add some water to it to watery uniformity.  

Take a round-shaped utensil

Boil Rice and corn in 2-3 mug of water

Put buttermilk into it once they boiled

Add Kodara ka Atta (Kudo Millet)

Mix continuously to avoid forming lumps

Cook Jhol until bubbles arise

Turn off the gas and mix it well for 2-3 minutes

Serve it to your loved ones

How to double your enjoyment of drinking Jhol?

Drink Jhol by adding Bhabri ka Namak

Method to prepare Bhabri ka Namak

Take some leaves of Bhabri (Chia seed leaves)

Add ingredients like Mirch (Chilli), Lahsan (Garlic), Hing (Asafoetida), Namak (Salt), Dhaniya seeds or leaves (Coriander) etc.

Put it in the jar or on Grindstones (Sil Batta) to grind

Grind it well until all the ingredients become in a paste form.

Add the Bhabri ka Namak to your Jhol drink to maximize the taste. Locals have been using this mixture for centuries. Now this combination become more famous in other states as well.

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